Improvements will include something in the rear to help with heavy loading. With the van fully loaded, the trailer tongue weight, and my 8 million pound bumper, the back end was sagging a bit. I really don't want to go with the air bag option because of the complications involved. I'm looking into putting in an extra leaf. I'll post what I end up doing.
The bump stops worked like a charm. We bottomed out once when a washout on the main road caught us off gaurd. It wasn't bad at all, the stops worked as advertised. I won't be changing a thing in this department.
The roads in Baja are not the best quality. They don't take the time to level properly which gives you a lot of up and down action in any car. The van never had any handling issues, but we sure did the tuna boat thing a lot. If the rear spring doesn't help, I'll look into more heavy duty shocks.
Lastly I wasn't impressed with the mileage we got. I'm going to call it an average of 11mpg for the whole trip. Best being 13 and worst 9. Once again those roads are a killer and towing the trailer doesn't help. Sure hope I do better around home without towing.
This video shows how narrow the roads are