This was the destination. I didn't actually go through this one since it was only a 50 foot walk to the river. The darn trees and bushes were fighting us all the way. Well fighting me anyway. Darn sportsmobile sits a little tall and the trees like to bite. Getting some really nice Arizona pinstriping though. This was the snafu of the trip. The road wasn't in good shape and then I took a somewhat wide line, then the road gave way more. Glad I have a lot of weight near the floor. This is about as leaned over as I ever want to be. Luckily I was able to drive out of it very slowly. Assuming the camera is basically level that's got to be 35 to 40 degrees. We ended up rebuilding the road to get everyone through and back out again.
I've had some people asking specific questions about how the front end went together. Here are a few not so hot pictures with short descriptions that may help. Front left. Was hoping to get the steering tubes up higher. Steering linkage and crossmember "adjustments". Front right lift block and bump stop. Front right. darn digital cameras and lighting.
Front right. Front left. Crossbar mount and steering arm. Lift block. Lift block and bottoming pad with rubber stopper. Rear trackbar? mount. Sorry, maybe not up on all the lingo. New transfer case crossmember mount.
Front Drive shaft Rear Drive, fuel tank, transfer case. Front left side. New bracket installed to mount cross bar. I think that's what it's called. The bar that keeps the axle from shifting left and right. Spacer under the front spring. It's hollow and bolted down. Top of transfer case in front. Shows some of the trimming on the crossmember. That's it for now. Hope that helps some of you guys out a bit. Send me email if you need more.